Professional Blog Review: Chase Bank
I've been banking with Chase for about four years now. They are a very helpful institution with many resources you can take advantage of. One of my favorites is the Chase’s News & Stories blog.
The information offered on the blog cover a wide range of topics, such as opening an account, saving for college, buying a house, saving for retirement and obtaining a business loan as well as a few less serious topics like creating a weekly savings plan, how to save money on groceries and how to avoid signing up for too many memberships.
A key feature of the blog is that although the content discusses the same principles and gives the same advice, it's tailored to their different consumers. The homepage divides content into six categories and continue to scan the front page, and you’ll see articles aimed at social young adults – "5 ways to save on your next outdoor party", high school students – "How to have the ultimate prom on a budget" and homeowners looking to update "8 Home Improvement Ideas for the Weekend Warrior."
The information is the article is also written so that anyone can understand. It doesn't sound like a whole bunch of big bank words that can sometimes confuse you. I find this very important because when people are confused they are less likely to pursue something such as investment.
Another key feature is that as a Chase customer I get this blog emailed to me, highlighting to content I may find interesting which allows me still enjoy the content without being overwhelmed by coming straight to their website. My favorite article recently was How to save for your goals in college. It covered how to effectively save for your goals while in college such as Study Abroad and buying a car/house.
Overall, this blog has a lot of great points: it has appealing content, a easy to read layout and, most importantly, information that’s relevant and easy to read for not just the Chase consumers but anyone.
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